

The Emily Dickinson International Societyの二つの奨学金制度についてご案内

EDIS Scholar in Amherst, 2012
The Emily Dickinson International Society (EDIS) invites applications for the 2012 Scholar in Amherst Program. The scholarship is designed to support research on Emily Dickinson at institutions such as the Special Collections of the Frost Library of Amherst College, the Jones Public Library, the Mount Holyoke College Archives, the Smith College Special Collections, the Dickinson Homestead, the Evergreens, and the Amherst Historical Society. The award of $2,000 is to be used for expenses related to that research such as travel, accommodations, a rental car, or reproduction fees. Upon completion of research in Amherst, recipients will write a letter to the EDIS Board outlining what they achieved with EDIS support, and we appreciate acknowledgment in any resulting publications. A minimum stay of one week in Amherst is required; recipients may also use the fellowship to initiate a lengthier stay in the area. Preference will be given to persons with completed PhDs who are in the early stages of their careers.
To apply for the 2012 Scholar in Amherst Award, please submit a cv, a letter of introduction (written by the applicant), a two-page project proposal including preliminary budget and brief bibliography, by January 15, 2012 to Jed Deppman at jdeppman@oberlin.edu. Letters of recommendation are not accepted as part of the application packet. Applications will be acknowledged upon receipt and applicants notified of final decisions by March 1. For more information, see www.emilydickinsoninternationalsociety.org

EDIS Graduate Student Fellowship, 2012
The Emily Dickinson International Society (EDIS) announces a fellowship award of $1,000 in support of graduate student scholarship on Emily Dickinson. The award may be used to fund travel to collections or conferences, to support book purchases, or for other research expenses (such as reproduction costs) necessary to the project. Preference will be given to applicants enrolled in doctoral programs and engaged in the writing of dissertations or other major projects directed toward publication. Applicants should be aware that a dissertation project need not be focused solely on Dickinson; however, a substantial part of the work should significantly engage Dickinson’s work. To apply, please send a cv, a project description, the names and contact information of two references, and a dissertation prospectus or other relevant writing sample of no more than 25 pages to Jed Deppman at jdeppman@oberlin.edu. Applications are due by January 15, 2012. Letters of recommendation are not accepted as part of the application packet. Applications will be acknowledged upon receipt and applicants notified of final decisions by March 1. For more information, see www.emilydickinsoninternationalsociety.org


日本エミリィ・ディキンスン学会 第26回大会

日本エミリィ・ディキンスン学会 第26回大会
The Emily Dickinson Society of Japan
The 26th Annual Meeting

日時 2011年6月18日(土)13時30分~16時40分 
会場 国際基督教大学 東ケ崎潔記念ダイアログハウス
住所 東京都三鷹市大沢3-10-2 国際基督教大学
電話 0422-33-3217(大西直樹研究室)
開会の辞(13:30) 会長 大西 直樹

       総合司会 事務局長 下村 伸子

*総会(13:35-13:50) 議長 国際基督教大学 大西 直樹

I. 研究発表(13:50-14:30) 司会 早稲田大学 江田 孝臣
 青山学院大学(非) 岡本 さだこ
II. 研究発表(14:35-15:15) 司会 神戸女学院大学 鵜野 ひろ子
“‘In Pawn for Liberty—’ Emily Dickinson's Poetic Response
to the Civil War and its Politics”
 国際基督教大学(院) Samantha Landau

III.特別講演 (15:30-16:30) 司会 国際基督教大学 大西 直樹

“Working through Personal and National Trauma: the Poems of Emily Dickinson”             
 国際基督教大学 Christopher Simons

閉会の辞(16:30-16:40) 副会長 東 雄一郎


会場:国際基督教大学 東ケ崎潔記念ダイアログハウス
会費:4,000円(学生 2,000円)
司会 国際基督教大学 大西 直樹
問合せ先:〒605-8501 京都市東山区今熊野北日吉町35番地
京都女子大学文学部英文学科 下村伸子研究室内
(Tel:075-531-9091, E-mail:simomurn@kyoto-wu.ac.jp)



Emily Dickinson International Societyの年次大会(Annual Meeting)が、7月29~31日にAmherst Collegeで開催されます。皆様ふるってご参加ください。詳しくは、右のEDISのホームページをご覧ください。ホームページ上から参加登録可能です。




“Hope” is the thing with feathers –
That perches in the soul –
And sings the song without the words –
And never stops – at all –

And sweetest – in the Gale – is heard –
And sore must be the storm –
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm –

I’ve heard it in the chilliest land –
And on the strangest Sea –
Yet – never – in Extremity,
It asked a crumb – of Me. By Emily Dickinson(Fr. 314)



それは私にパン屑さえ求めなかった。 (大西直樹 訳)

If I can stop one Heart from breaking
I shall not live in vain
If I can ease one Life the Aching
Or cool one Pain

Or help one fainting Robin
Unto his Nest again
I shall not live in vain. By Emily Dickinson (Fr. 982)


私の人生は無駄ではないでしょう。  (鵜野ひろ子 訳)